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Found 4626 results for any of the keywords by apache. Time 0.008 seconds.
Cloud Site Hosting by Apache Website HostingApache Website Hosting for business and professional websites requiring advanced cloud hosting solutions.
[SOLVED] How Do I Open XCU Files in Windows?Apache OpenOffice is the primary software program that utilizes the Configuration File file, originally developed by Apache Software Foundation. Internal website statistics show that XCU files are most pop
Bug #1927742 “dolphin in focal can't delete webdav directories r... :[Impact] WebDAV DELETE operations on directories don't work for the Dolphin file manager, due to not being recognized by Apache. This limits KDE users from managing remote filesystems. [Workaround] Some versions of the
Apache Thrift - HomeThe Apache Thrift software framework, for scalable cross-language services development, combines a software stack with a code generation engine to build services that work efficiently and seamlessly between C++, J
Bug #1767105 “race condition on rmm for module ldap (ldap cache)...” :[Impact] * Apache users using ldap module might face this if using multiple threads and shared memory activated for apr memory allocator (default in Ubuntu). [Test Case] * Configure apache to use ldap module, for au
Welcome to Apache Pig!Apache Pig is a platform for analyzing large data sets that consists of a high-level language for expressing data analysis programs, coupled with infrastructure for evaluating these programs. The salient property of Pi
Bug #394350 “RLimitCPU has no effect in Apache” : Bugs : apache2 packaBinary package hint: apache2 The Apache RLimitCPU directive has no effect on in the Ubuntu packaging of Apache 2.2.8. We have reproduced this problem on multiple Ubuntu 8.04 systems, including a freshly-installed one
Apache Community Development - Project IndependenceA community is not merely a set of rules; it is also a set of behaviors that the participants express when interacting within that community. While the ASF is happy to host many different styles of project communities,
FAQ - HTTPD - Apache Software FoundationThese are questions that have been asked over the years, on IRC, mailing lists, and various other less official channels.
[SOLVED] How Do I Open DOCX Files in Windows?The DOCX file extension is a Microsoft Word Open XML Document file developed originally by Apache Software Foundation for OpenOffice Writer. Commonly, Microsoft Word Open XML Document files are found on user computers fr
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